Presumably to conserve energy, many mammals enter into hibernation during the winter. Homeostatic processes such as transcription and translation are virtually arrested. To further elucidate transcriptional regulation during hibernation, we studied the transcription factor p53. Here, we demonstrate that changes in liver mRNA and protein concentrations of known regulators of p53 are consistent with activation. p53 mRNA and protein concentrations are unrelated. Importantly, p53 protein concentration is increased ~2-fold during the interbout arousal that punctuates bouts of torpor. As a result, both the interbout arousal and the torpid state are characterized by high levels of nuclear-localized p53. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays indicate that p53 binds DNA during the winter. Furthermore, p53 recruits RNA polymerase II, as indicated by nuclear run-on data. However, and consistent with previous data indicating an arrest of transcriptional elongation during torpor, p53 'activity' does not result in expected changes in target gene transcripts. These data demonstrate the importance of using a systems level-approach in understanding a complex phenotype such as mammalian hibernation. Relying on interpretations of data that are based on steady-state regulation in other systems may be misleading in the context of non-steady-state conditions such as torpor.
KEY WORDS: Torpor, Nuclear run-on, Metabolic depression
INTRODUCTIONDuring the winter, hibernating mammals such as ground squirrels oscillate between bouts of metabolic depression (torpor), wherein core body temperature may be below â2°C, and euthermic periods (interbout arousals), wherein body temperature approaches euthermic values (~36°C) (van Breukelen and Martin, 2002; Carey et al., 2003). Oxygen consumption during torpor may be as low as 1/100th of the active rate (Carey et al., 2003). Hibernation represents a unique metabolic constraint. Hibernators must balance a need to conserve energy with maintenance of cellular structure. Many energetically expensive physiological processes normally vital to homeostasis are dramatically reduced during torpor. Processes such as transcription and translation are not sustainable given the severe metabolic depression. Earlier, we demonstrated marked depressions of both hepatic transcription and translation (van Breukelen and Martin, 2001;van Breukelen and Martin, 2002). Nuclear run-on data from hibernating golden-mantled ground squirrels demonstrate a moderate inhibition of transcriptional initiation (~50%), but indicate
RESEARCH ARTICLESchool of Life Sciences, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154, USA. that elongation of transcripts is essentially arrested during torpor (van Breukelen and Martin, 2002). Translational regulation during hibernation is more elaborate. Polysome analyses reveal that the bulk of initiation is depressed as animals enter into torpor (van Breukelen and Martin, 2001). 4E-binding protein 1, a potent regulator of the cap binding protein, eIF4E, is absent...