We report our identifications of fish, reptile, bird, and mammal bones from three prehistoric sites on Barbuda. The sites of Indiantown Trail, Sufferers, and Overview Cave contain few examples of the distinctive ceramics associated with the initial Saladoid colonization of the Lesser Antilles in the first centuries A.D. All of Barbuda's sites represent more recent, post-Saladoid occupation except for a possible late Saladoid (Mill Reef) component at the Sufferers site. Marine vertebrate remains from these sites represent bony fish, shark, manatee (Trichechus manatus), and a shearwater (Puffinus Iherminieri). Most of the species of fish occur either in inshore waters or over shallow reefs, two habitats that abound near Barbuda. Terrestrial vertebrates are represented by two species of lizards (notably including the extinct iguanid, Leiocephalus cuneus), two species of doves, and an extinct oryzomyine rodent. Fragmentary turtle remains could represent either marine species (Cheloniidae) or the tortoise Geochelone carbonaria. Of the 2516 bones in the sample, 2503 (MNI = 147) are from uncontaminated units.