A two-colored digraph D (2) is primitive provided there are nonnegative integers h and k such that for each pair of not necessarily distinct vertices u and v in D (2) there exists a (h, k)-walk in D (2) from u to v. The exponent of a primitive twocolored digraph D (2) , exp(D (2)), is the smallest positive integer h + k taken over all such nonnegative integers h and k. The exponent of a vertex v in D (2) is the smallest positive integer s + t such that for each vertex u in D (2) there is an (s, t)-walk from v to u. We study the vertex exponents of primitive two-colored digraphs L (2) n on n ≥ 5 vertices whose underlying digraph is the Hamiltonian digraph consisting of the cycle v 1 → vn → v n−1 → • • • → v 2 → v 1 and the arc v 1 → v n−2. For such two-colored digraph it is known that 2n 2 − 6n + 2 ≤ exp(L (2) n) ≤ (n 3 − 2n 2 + 1)/2. We show that if exp(L (2) n) = (n 3 − 2n 2 + 1)/2, then its vertex exponents lie on [(n 3 − 2n 2 − 3n + 4)/4, (n 3 − 2n 2 + 3n + 6)/4] and if exp(L (2) n) = 2n 2 − 6n + 2, then its vertex exponents lie on [n 2 − 4n + 5, n 2 − 2n − 1].