The -intersection graphs are the graphs that have a representation as intersection graphs of axis-parallel shapes in the plane. A subfamily of these graphs are { , |, −}-contact graphs which are the contact graphs of axis parallel , |, and − shapes in the plane. We prove here two results that were conjectured by Chaplick and Ueckerdt in 2013. We show that planar graphs areintersection graphs, and that triangle-free planar graphs are { , |, −}-contact graphs. These results are obtained by a new and simple decomposition technique for 4-connected triangulations. Our results also provide a much simpler proof of the known fact that planar graphs are segment intersection graphs.
IntroductionThe representation of graphs by contact or intersection of predefined shapes in the plane is a broad subject of research since the work of Koebe on the representation of planar graphs by contacts of circles [28]. In particular, the class of planar graphs has been widely studied in this context.Given a shape 1 X, an X-intersection representation is a collection of X-shaped geometrical objects in the plane. The X-intersection graph described by such a representation has one vertex per geometrical object, and two vertices are adjacent if and only if the corresponding objects intersect. In the case where the shape X defines objects that are homeomorphic to a segment (resp. to a disc), an X-contact representation is an Xintersection representation such that if an intersection occurs between two objects, then it occurs at a single point that is the endpoint of one of them (resp. it occurs on their boundary). We say that a graph G is an X-contact graph if it is the X-intersection graph of an X-contact representation.The case of shapes homeomorphic to discs has * This research is partially supported by the ANR GATO, under contract ANR-16-CE40-0009. 1 We do not provide a formal definition of shape, but a shape characterizes a family of connected geometric objects in the plane. been widely studied; see for example the literature for triangles [19,23], homothetic triangles [25,35], axis parallel rectangles [36], squares [26,33], hexagons [22], convex bodies [34], or axis aligned polygons [2]. Here, we focus on intersection and contact representations of planar graphs with objects that are homeomorphic to a segment. The more general representations of this type are the intersection or contact representation with curves. those are called string representations. It is known that every planar graph has a stringintersection representation [28]. However, if one forbids tangent curves, this representation may contain pairs of curves that cross several times. One may thus take an additional parameter into account, namely the maximal number of crossings of any two of the curves: a 1-string representation of a graph is a string representation where every two curves intersect at most once. The question of finding a 1-string representation of planar graphs has been solved by Chalopin et al. in the positive [11], and additional parameters are now ...