The overview of our research projects for Fukushima is presented including how they were derived. Then, where the fallout was found, right after the accident, is briefl y summarized for soil, plants, trees, etc. The time of the accident was late winter, there were hardly any plants growing except for the wheat in the farming fi eld. Most of the fallout was found at the surface of soil, tree barks, etc., which were exposed to the air at the time of the accident. The fallout found was fi rmly adsorbed to anything and did not move for months from the site when they fi rst touched. Therefore, the newly emerged tissue after the accident showed very low radioactivity. The fallout contamination was not uniform, therefore, when radiograph of contaminated soil or leaves were taken, fallout was shown as spots. Generally, plants could not absorb radiocesium adsorbed to soil. Further fi ndings are described more in detail in the following sections.
Research ProjectAfter the accident of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, thousands of measuring data have been piling up, especially in the web sites of government agencies. However, most of them are two kinds of the data. One is the radio activities of the places, including soil, air dust or sea water and the other is the measurement of the foods. These are just the monitoring data and it is diffi cult to fi nd out the research