Calanus species are the main link between primary producers and higher trophic-level organisms in the Barents Sea. The natural mortality rate is an essential parameter for determining the standing stock of Calanus, but it is also one of the most uncertain parameters in present knowledge. The level of human activity, and the associated risk of pollution, is increasing in the Barents Sea, and knowledge of the Calanus population response to increased mortality is crucial for management of the ecosystem. In the present study, we estimated natural mortality rates of Calanus, based on available field data from the Barents Sea, and performed numerical simulation experiments with a coupled physical-biological model, testing the response of Calanus populations to changes in mortality rates, and other related ecological parameters. The field-based estimates of natural mortality showed high variability. The model simulations showed that the 2 Calanus species modelled, C. glacialis and C. finmarchicus, respond differently to increased mortality, and that in creased mortality alters both the timing of peak Calanus production and biomass relative to peak primary production. These simulations illustrate the potential for a mismatch between peak food availability and Calanus population dynamics in the Barents Sea as a consequence of natural or human-induced perturbations. We suggest that the observed differences in the 2 Calanus species' responses to perturbations relates to each species' life cycle and habitat characteristics. The present study illustrates how models can be used to assess key parameters affecting species' population dynamics and some potential consequence of external forcing factors affecting mortality.
KEY WORDS: Zooplankton · Calanus finmarchicus · Calanus glacialis · Numerical modelling · Ecological modelling · Arctic · North Atlantic · Barent Sea · SimulationResale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher Aquat Biol 12: 129-145, 2011 130 Ohman 1996). Mortality may be the result of natural events driven by, for example, limited food availability or the presence of abundant predatory species, or by human activities, such as pollution. In the Arctic, industrial activities are on the rise. For example in the Barents Sea, petroleum transport from Russia along the Norwegian coastline increased from insignificant volumes in 2002 to an estimated 20 million tons in 2009 (Bambulyak & Frantzen 2009). Parts of the Barents Sea have already been opened for oil and gas exploration, and the Lofoten and Vesterålen shelves, at the 'entrance' to the Barents Sea, are currently being considered for oil and gas exploration by the Norwegian government. In creasing petro leum transport, oil and gas exploration, and other industrial activities increase the risk of accidents and the potential for negative impacts on individual organisms and ecosystems (Chap man & Riddle 2003). Understanding Calanus population re sponses to increased mortality is crucial for management of the Barents Sea ...