Experiments were carried out with water dispersed in hydrocarbons at various flow rates. The measured size spectra can be well represented by either an upper limit log-probability function or a Rosin-Rammler type of equation with constant parameters and only one variable, the maximum drop diameter d, , , or dss. The latter can be predicted satisfactorily by a correlation based on the Hinze/Kolmogorov model of droplet breakup. and 4), the only variable being the characteristic size d, , , or ds5. The latter can be predicted independently as a function of flow conditions and liquid physical properties.The maximum drop sizes, or dg5, appear to be approximately inversely proportional to the mean flow velocity, in agreement with the theory of Kolmogorov (1949) and Hinze (1955). A correlation proposed by the latter author, essentially untested so far for pipe flow of dilute dispersions, has been reexamined and slightly modified to improve its accuracy at high Reynolds numbers. Our data are generally in good agreement with this correlation Page 170 March, 1978 AlChE Journal (Vol. 24, No. 2) 0 AAer this paper was submitted for publication, a similar study was published by Kubie and Gardner (1977). These authors, using a photographic technique, measured drop size spectra but mede no attempt to correlate them. They did conclude, however, that the measured maximum drop sizes were in good agreement with the Hinze correlation [Equation (5)l.