C-reactive protein (CRP) is one o� the earliest proteins that appear in the blood circulation in most systemic in�lammatory conditions and this is the reason �or its signi�icance, even a�ter identi�ication o� many organ speci�ic in�lammatory markers which appear relatively late during the course o� disease. Earlier methods o� CRP detection were based on the classical methods o� antigen-antibody interaction through precipitation and agglutination reactions. Later on, CRP based enzymatic assays came into the picture which were �urther modi�ied by integration o� an antigen-antibody detection system with sur�ace plasma spectroscopy. Then came the time �or the development o� electrochemical biosensors where nanomaterials were used to make a highly sensitive and portable detection system based on silicon nanowire, metal-oxide-semiconductor �ield-e��ect transistor/bipolar junction transistor, ZnS nanoparticle, aptamer, �ield emission transmitter, vertical �low immunoassay etc . This editorial attempts to summarize developments in the �ield o� CRP detection, with a special emphasis on biosensor technology. This would help in translating the latest development in CRP detection in the clinical diagnosis o� in�lammatory conditions at an early onset o� the diseases. Key words: C-reactive protein; In�lammation; Diagnostic methods; Antibody; Biosensors Core tip: Over time, C-reactive protein (CRP) has emerged as a versatile marker �or the detection o� systemic in�lammatory conditions, providing preliminary in�orma-tion to clinicians �or continuing with a more speci�ic diagnostic methodology. Advancements in electroanalytical chemistry and knowledge o� nanomaterials have helped modern age researchers to miniaturize detection systems with an enhanced level o� speci�icity and sensitivity o� CRP detection. Further research should be directed in this area to devise a better diagnostic plat�orm that can detect the change in CRP level at a very early stage o� the onset o� in�lammatory conditions. Chandra P, Suman P, Airon H, Mukherjee M, Kumar P. Prospects and advancements in C-reactive protein detection. World