A resonant cavity waveguide device structure is reported which incorporates a grating structure to couple the vertical incident light into the waveguide and uses Bragg grating to constitute a resonator. Two types of grating are fabricated simultaneously on a surface of thin Si waveguide to gain high sensor sensitivity for the refractive index change measurement.Introduction: Measurement of the refractive index change caused by the interactions among proteins at a substrate surface is used extensively to uncover the nature of the chemical interactions. The most popular technology for this purpose is the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) using precious metal film such as gold [1]. A resonant waveguide grating [2, 3] is also a scheme that does not require precious metal for surface refractive index measurement. Strong grating is required for compact block size but it leads to wider filter waveguide response reducing the sensitivity.We have been studying a new type of device structure [4, 5] without gold for cost reduction and disposability required in clinical applications. A high refractive index optical waveguide [6] is used instead of a gold film to generate a light with high surface refractive index sensitivity. A resonant cavity is used to attain a compact device without sacrificing sensitivity and the weak grating enables vertical direction input-output ports for easy measurement. The surface refractive index change can be detected by the induced shift of the resonant wavelength or the reflected light power change.In this Letter we propose a device with a vertical input-output coupler grating and Bragg grating mirrors fabricated simultaneously. A simple fabrication process is beneficial for cost reduction.