Mandibular asymmetries can be defined as morphological variations that indicate disproportion in its size, shape or position between the right and left side. In Ecuador there are no investigative contributions on the vertical symmetry of the condyle and mandibular ramus despite its importance and its affordable diagnosis through panoramic radiography. For this reason, the importance of this study is evident, for which Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) was used from adult patients from the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Cuenca of the seventh cycle of the dental career, in which a higher prevalence of mandibular asymmetries is evidenced in the female gender and in Class II skeletal type patients. Through the Habets method, it was possible to determine the index of vertical asymmetries, concluding that there is a higher index of vertical asymmetries in the condyle, followed by asymmetry in the ramus, and finally, with a lower percentage, the total asymmetry of the condyle and ramus.