Motivated by recent experiments, where the tunnel magnetoresitance (TMR) of a spin valve was measured locally, we theoretically study the distribution of TMR along the surface of magnetized electrodes. We show that, even in the absence of interfacial effects (like hybridization due to donor and acceptor molecules), this distribution is very broad, and the portion of area with negative TMR is appreciable even if on average the TMR is positive. The origin of the local sign reversal is quantum interference of subsequent spin-rotation amplitudes in course of incoherent transport of carriers between the source and the drain. We find the distribution of local TMR exactly by drawing upon formal similarity between evolution of spinors in time and of reflection coefficient along a 1D chain in the Anderson model. The results obtained are confirmed by the numerical simulations.PACS numbers: 72.15. Rn, 72.25.Dc, 75.40.Gb, Introduction. Organic spin valves (OSVs), being one of the most promising applications of organic spintronics, are actively studied experimentally [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] . The organic active layer of an OSV is sandwiched between two magnetized electrodes. Due to long spin-relaxation times of carriers in organic materials, the net resistance of OSV is sensitive to the relative magnetizations of the electrodes. Among many advantages that OSVs offer, is wide tunability due to e.g. chemical doping, and enormous flexibility. The processes that limit the performance of OSVs can be conventionally divided into two groups: (i) interfacial, which take place at the interfaces between the electrodes and active layer [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18] , and (ii) intralayer, which exist even if the interfaces are ideal. 19,20 Due to the latter processes the injected polarized electrons, Fig. 1, lose memory about their initial spin orientation while traveling between the electrodes. One of the most prominent mechanisms of this spin-memory loss is the precession of a carrier spin in random hyperfine fields of hydrogen nuclei 5,19,20 . The effectiveness of the OSV performance is quantified by tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) given by a so-called modified Julliere's formula 22 , see e.g. the review Ref. 21,where P 1 , P 2 stand for polarizations of the electrodes. The difference from the original Julliere's formula 22 is the exponential factor Q = exp(−d/λ s ) describing the spin-memory loss over the active layer of thickness, d. Processes (i) can be incorporated into Eq. (1) by appropriately modifying P 1 , P 2 . For example, in Ref. 11 replacement of P 1 , P 2 by "effective" spin polarizations reflects the relative position of the Fermi level with respect to interfacial donor (acceptor) level. In this way, the "effective" polarization depends on bias, which might explain the sign reversal of TMR [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18] . Processes (ii), on the other hand, are reflected in Eq. (1) via the factor Q = exp(−d/λ s ), where λ s is the spin diffusion length. The meaning of Q is the polarization of electrons at that the...