A valence-universal multireference coupled cluster (VUMRCC) theory, realized via the eigenvalue independent partitioning (EIP) route, has been implemented with full inclusion of triples excitations for computing and analyzing the entire main and several satellite peaks in the ionization potential spectra of several molecules. The EIP-VUMRCC method, unlike the traditional VUMRCC theory, allows divergence-free homing-in to satellite roots which would otherwise have been plagued by intruders, and is thus numerically more robust to obtain more efficient and dependable computational schemes allowing more extensive use of the approach. The computed ionization potentials (IPs) as a result of truncation of the (N-1) electron basis manifold involving virtual functions such as 2h-p and 3h-2p by different energy thresholds varying from 5 to 15 a.u. with 1 a.u. intervals as well as thresholds such as 20, 25, and 30 a.u. have been carefully looked into. Cutoff at around 25 a.u. turns out to be an optimal threshold. Molecules such as C2H4 and C2H2 (X = D,T), and N2 and CO (X = D,T,Q) with Dunning's cc-pVXZ bases have been investigated to determine all main and 2h-p shake-up and 3h-2p double shake-up satellite IPs. We believe that the present work will pave the way to a wider application of the method by providing main and satellite IPs for some problematic N-electron closed shell systems.