This article presents a theoretical modelling framework for the previously unconsidered case of turbulent wall plumes that detrain continually with height in stably stratified environments. Built upon the classic turbulent plume model, our approach incorporates turbulent detrainment with a variable coefficient of detrainment. Based on a linear constitutive relationship between the ratio of the detrainment to entrainment coefficients and the ambient buoyancy gradient, it is found that for linear ambient stratifications, a dynamic quasi-equilibrium region, characterised by a near invariant local plume Richardson number, is achieved, downstream of which this equilibrium rapidly breaks down. With increasing ambient buoyancy gradient, while the plume becomes increasingly slender with weaker vertical motions, the level at which the plume breaks down to form a horizontal intrusion first decreases and then increases. Moreover, distinct from classic purely entraining plumes, a detraining wall plume can swell within the pre-equilibrium adjustment stage provided the local Richardson number is sufficiently low
$({Ri\ll 6})$
, behaviour which is in accordance with observations made in filling-box experiments.