As the multibend achromats had been applied to the lattice design in latest light sources to achieve ultralow beam emittance, whereas its performance is restricted by the strong sextupoles and concomitant nonlinearities to a certain extent. Contractive dynamic aperture becomes an inevitable but pivotal characteristic of future diffraction-limited storage rings, which lead to the exclusion of the conventional off-axis injection schemes. In this paper we will present a new on-axis injection scheme in allusion to future light sources, which is based on a triple-frequency rf system. By means of delicate superposition of rf voltages with fundamental, 2nd and 3rd hamonic frequencies, a commodious and rational main bucket which can accommodate an injected bunch and a circulating bunch simultaneously is able to be formed. The injected bunch can be captured by the longitudinal acceptance on-axis in a reasonable time offset with respect to the circulating bunch, utilizing the ultrafast pulse kicker, and ultimately merging to the center of the main bucket through synchrotron radiation damping. Detailed construction of the triple-frequency rf system and application of this scheme to the High Energy Photon Source will be discussed in the paper, relevant simulation studies and discussions are also presented.