The convenience and usability of portable consumer electronics that require a motor, such as vacuum cleaners and hair dryers, will be greatly improved if both ac and dc two-input power sources can be used. The dc input power is mostly composed of a dc battery, and single-phase voltage is used as ac input power. A converter system capable of converting ac and dc voltage with control technology is required to supply the voltage for motor driving to apply both ac and dc input to the product. Because a limited number of batteries are used to decrease the weight and size of portable products, a system such as a dc converter is necessary to supply the voltage required to operate the motor and to keep the voltage fluctuation according to the usage time constant. When ac power is used in the product, a voltage drop system that can step down the ac voltage to supply voltage to the dc link is necessary to supply the voltage required to operate the motor to the dc-link. In addition, it is important to reduce the size of the system through ultra-high-speed motor operation by increasing the rotation speed because portable consumer electronics that include a motor drive should be light and portable. This paper proposed a system that can supply a stable dc-link voltage required for ultra-high-speed motor control by applying a phase control method to the ac input side and a dc boost converter to the dc input side. Furthermore, the 1-shunt sensorless method was applied to the inverter for ultra-high-speed motor design and ultra-high-speed motor control system that contributes to product miniaturization and material cost reduction, experimental verification. The ultra-high-speed motor driving evaluation under ac and dc input power conditions and the conversion to dc power input when ac power interrupt occurs were performed to more stably verify the system according to the input power change.