It has been proposed that the mercurial-sensitive water transporter in mammalian erythrocytes is the anion exchanger band 3 (AE1) and/or the glucose transporter, band 4.5 (GLUT1 HgCl2. In oocytes injected with 50 ng of rabbit reticulocyte mRNA, the Pf of(18±2) X 10-cm/s (n = 18) was reduced to (4.0±0.6) x 10' cm/s (n = 10) by HgCI2, but was not inhibited by DNDS (0.4 mM), cytochalasin B or phloretin. Coinjection of reticulocyte mRNA with antisense oligodeoxyribonucleotides against AE1 or GLUT1 did not affect Pf, but inhibited completely the incremental uptake of 36(C or 3H-methylglucose, respectively. Expression of size-fractionated mRNA from reticulocyte gave a 2-2.5-kb size for water channel mRNA, less than the 4-4.5-kb size for the Cl transporter. These results provide evidence that facilitated water transport in erythrocytes is mediated not by bands 3 or 4.5, but by distinct water transport protein(s). (J.