Scanning electron microscopy with polarization analysis (SEMPA) has developed into a powerful technique to study domains in ultrathin films. In this chapter, we discuss from a very general point of view the instrumental aspects of the method. Examples of thin film investigations are given that demonstrate unique features of SEMPA. New solutions around apparent limitations of the technique are presented at the end, i.e., analyzing samples with contaminated surfaces and imaging in external fields.
IntroductionIn 1982, triggered by the investigations of the energy dependence of the spinpolarization of secondary electrons (SE), the idea emerged to use this effect in a microscope to image magnetic structures [1,2]. The combination of a conventional Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and a spin-polarization analyzer promised the potential of investigating magnetic microstructures with high spatial resolution. In 1984, the first spin-SEM was realized by Koike and coworkers [3], followed less than one year later by a microscope built at NIST [4]. The latter group introduced the abbreviation SEMPA, which stands for Scanning Electron Microscope with Polarization Analysis. We will use both acronyms interchangeably. The next instruments followed in Europe [5,6]. A sketch of SEMPA is given in Fig. 7.1. Due to the low depth of information, ultra-clean surfaces are essential, requiring ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions. Since conventional SEMs usually do not operate in UHV, appropriate UHV-compatible columns (or guns) are rare and expensive. Hooked on is the detector system that consists of an electron optic and a spin-polarization analyzer. The optic has to focus the secondaries into the polarization analyzer. The most important feature of the electron optic is the acceptance angle for SE. It is extremely important that the optic collects electrons emitted in the full 2π solid angle.Several microscopes have been realized [7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14], and a few more have been proposed. Basically, all the systems look very similar. Some have attachments for surface