We report an experimental study of low-frequency (~10 kHz) self-pulsing of the output intensity in a highconcentration erbium-doped fiber laser. We suggest that the fast intensity fluctuations caused by multimode and polarization instabilities play the role of an external noise source, leading to low-frequency auto-oscillations through a coherence resonance scenario. © 2010 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 060.3510, 060.2410, 140.3500, 140.1540 Output intensity self-pulsing in high-concentration erbium-doped fiber lasers (HC EDFLs) has been extensively studied for its importance in communications, reflectometry, distributed fiber-optic sensing, biomedicine, etc. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. For a long time, the presence of clustered erbium ions and their role as saturable absorber was regarded as the only possible mechanism responsible for self-pulsing at frequencies of 10-100 kHz [7]. However, detailed microscopic study of erbium-doped glasses by means of x-ray-absorption fine structure spectroscopy (XAFS) has revealed a short-range coordination order of erbium ions, rather than pair clustering [8]. It was also found that suppression of the short-range order leads to improved characteristics of high-concentration erbiumdoped fiber amplifiers and lasers. The suppression can be realized by increasing the solubility of erbium in the host matrix (codoping by Al [9]) or by changing the deposition process (direct nanoparticle deposition [10,11]). Because self-pulsing was observed in HC EDFLs even with these types of fibers, the pair-clusters approach cannot explain this effect [4,5]. On the other hand, experiments and theory indicate that the pump-tosignal intensity noise transfer (PSINT) can significantly contribute to low-frequency self-pulsing [4,5]. However, PSINT decreases as the pump current increases, and therefore this process can induce self-pulsing only near the lasing threshold [1,2]. To reveal a mechanism that can drive self-pulsing with pump currents beyond the lasing threshold, we test and experimentally prove the concept of coherence and anticoherence resonance (CR and ACR) [12][13][14]. The details are reported in this Letter. The experimental setup used to study self-pulsing in EDFL is shown in Fig. 1. The laser cavity consists of a high-concentration (c Er ¼ 3:7 10 25 ions=m 3 ) erbiumdoped fiber (5 m, Liekki Er40-4/125), with a Faraday mirror (R ¼ 90%) and a fiber Bragg grating (λ peak ¼ 1556 nm, Δλ 3 dB ¼ 0:2 nm, R ¼ 86%) as reflectors. According to manufacturing data [10] and previous experimental results [11], the short-range coordination order of erbium ions is suppressed and no saturable absorption is present. Total intracavity losses are 5 dB. The Faraday mirror rotates the plane of polarization of the reflected beam by π=2 at λ ¼ 1550 nm. To pump the erbium-doped fiber, we used a 978 nm laser diode (LD) with a tunable current source (200-600 mA). The pump current at the lasing and self-pulsing threshold was 240 mA.To characterize the polarization instability as a possible source of high-fre...