During real-world (RW) exploration, rodent hippocampal activity shows robust spatial selectivity, which is hypothesized to be governed largely by distal visual cues, although other sensory-motor cues also contribute. Indeed, hippocampal spatial selectivity is weak in primate and human studies that use only visual cues. To determine the contribution of distal visual cues only, we measured hippocampal activity from body-fixed rodents exploring a two-dimensional virtual reality (VR). Compared to that in RW, spatial selectivity was markedly reduced during random foraging and goal-directed tasks in VR. Instead we found small but significant selectivity to distance traveled. Despite impaired spatial selectivity in VR, most spikes occurred within ~2-s-long hippocampal motifs in both RW and VR that had similar structure, including phase precession within motif fields. Selectivity to space and distance traveled were greatly enhanced in VR tasks with stereotypical trajectories. Thus, distal visual cues alone are insufficient to generate a robust hippocampal rate code for space but are sufficient for a temporal code. npg © 2015 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.1 2 2 VOLUME 18 | NUMBER 1 | JANUARY 2015 nature neurOSCIenCe a r t I C l e S same physical location in space can be approached from multiple different directions at different speeds. We thus investigated the contribution of distal visual cues only in determining selectivity in such an experimental setup.
Nature of spatial selectivity of hippocampal responsesWe measured hippocampal activity during a two-dimensional randomforaging task in RW and VR [35][36][37] with similar distal visual cues (Fig. 1a). In VR, the rats were body-fixed, i.e., their bodies were held in place, with a harness on a floating ball, allowing for head movements but precluding full-body turns, thus minimizing vestibular cues (Online Methods) 21,36 . Rats quickly learned to avoid the virtual edges entirely on the basis of visual cues 36 and spent a similar amount of time away from the edges and in the center of the platform (Fig. 1a) compared to in RW. We measured the activity of 1,066 and 1,238 principal neurons in RW and VR, respectively, in the dorsal CA1 of four rats under a variety of conditions (Online Methods). Neurons fired vigorously in restricted regions of space in RW, as expected (Fig. 1b,c, Supplementary Fig. 1a and Supplementary Video 1) 1 . In contrast, the neurons showed little spatial selectivity in VR during random foraging (Fig. 1b,d and Supplementary Fig. 1b).Across the ensemble, neurons had moderately reduced (25%) mean firing rates but greatly reduced (68%) peak firing rates in VR ( Fig. 2a and Supplementary Fig. 2a). Neurons in VR also had greatly reduced spatial information content (75%), stability (59%), sparsity (42%) and coherence (40%) (Fig. 2b-d and Supplementary Fig. 2b,c) compared to spatially localized, stable and sparse RW rate maps (Fig. 2c). Although the mean firing rate was inversely correlated with information content (Supplementary Fig. 2d)...