In the high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) environment, high-intensity broadband electromagnetic pulse energy is transmitted to the display interface circuit through the interconnection cable, causing interference or damage to the internal electronic components and chips, resulting in various damage effects such as the display cannot be displayed normally, and even restart. To investigate the coupling effect of strong electromagnetic pulses on the display interface circuit, the existing field-line coupling model is utilized as the basis of this study, with a specific focus on the VGA interface. The influence of different terminal impedances on the coupling effect is examined, aiming to determine the significance of terminal impedances in the simulation estimation of interface circuit coupling response. A HEMP coupling signal loop model is established based on the signal loop defined in the VGA datasheet, replicating the normal working conditions of VGA. HEMP pulse injection experiments are conducted to compare the response waveforms of the simulated VGA interface equivalent impedance circuit model with the measured data. This allows the accuracy of the established equivalent impedance model to be verified using key parameters.