RESUMOAtualmente o lodo de curtume, resíduo da indústria de beneficiamento couro, tem sido amplamente difundido pela agricultura. Este resíduo possui teores de nutrientes que podem ser utilizados pelas plantas, porém apresenta elementos potencialmente tóxicos capazes de causar danos ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana. Os tratamentos testados consistiram dos seguintes substratos: controle (solo sem lodo de curtume), solo + 50% de lodo de curtume, solo + 70% de lodo de curtume, solo + 75% de lodo de curtume, solo + 80% de lodo de curtume e 100% de lodo de curtume. Nas plantas de açaizeiro foram avaliadas a altura, diâmetro do coleto, comprimento de raiz, massa seca de raiz, massa seca da parte aérea e massa seca total. No substrato foram avaliados os valores de pH, matéria orgânica e os teores de N, K, Ca, Mg e Na. Avaliaram-se também os teores de elementos potencialmente tóxicos: Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb e Zn. O uso de lodo de curtume como substrato, reduziu o crescimento das plantas de açaizeiro, elevou os teores dos elementos essenciais, e benéfico estudados, além de promover aumento nos teores de elementos potencialmente tóxicos. Porém, a elevação nos teores de elementos potencialmente tóxicos estava na faixa permitida pela legislação ambiental vigente no país, ou seja, em níveis que não causam problemas ambientais.
Palavras-chave: elementos potencialmente tóxicos, Euterpe oleracea, fitorremediação, nutrientes, resíduo industrialUse of sludge tanning in production plants açaizeiro in initial phase of development ABSTRACT Currently tannery sludge, waste from leather processing industry, has been widely used in agriculture. This residue has nutrient content that can be used by plants, but has potentially toxic elements that can cause damage to the environment and human health. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different ratios of tannery sludge used as substrate in the growth of plants açaizeiro and chemical changes occurring in the substrate 180 days after planting the plants. We used a completely randomized design with six replications. The treatments consisted of the following substrates: control (soil without tannery sludge), soil + 50 % of tannery sludge, soil + 70 % of tannery sludge, soil + 75 % of tannery sludge, soil + 80 % of sludge tannery and 100 % of tannery sludge. All plants were evaluated açaizeiro height, stem diameter, root length. And root dry weight, shoot and total. N, K, Ca, Mg, and Na contents: In the substrate the pH, organic matter and the contents of the chemical elements essences plants were evaluated. We also assessed the levels of potentially toxic element: Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn. The use of tannery sludge as substrate, decreased plant growth of açai, increased the contents essences of plants and the elements Na, and promote increased levels of potentially toxic elements. However, the increase in the levels of potentially toxic elements was in the range allowed by current environmental legislation in the country, in other words, at levels that do not cause...