The problems of steady-state vibrations of functionally graded electroelastic rods for two types of polarization were investigated. The functional gradient is characterized by a change along the longitudinal coordinate of the isothermal elastic compliance and the piezoelectric modulus. The linear, quadratic and exponential laws of inhomogeneity are used in the work. To simulate damping, a model of a standard viscoelastic body was used, which is used within the framework of the concept of complex modules. For the numerical solution of the tasks set, the shooting method was applied. In order to verify the computational scheme, an exact solution of the problem is constructed for the case of constant properties. An analysis of the influence of the laws of inhomogeneity was carried out for laws that have the same mean integral values. The amplitude-frequency characteristics of current and conductivity are constructed. Antiresonances are investigated, the presence of two types is established, depending on the laws of inhomogeneity. An asymptotic analysis of the problem is performed for the case of low frequencies. It is shown that in the low-frequency range, the mechanical longitudinal stress depends only on the law of change in the piezoelectric modulus, while the displacement also depends on the law of change in elastic compliance. As a result of computational experiments, the features of the current's amplitude-frequency characteristic (AFC) structure in the vicinity of the second resonance were revealed. The AFC has a different quality factor depending on whether the compliance functions and the piezoelectric modulus have the same or different types of monotonicity. It is revealed that the first resonance from the frequency range under consideration has low sensitivity to the laws of inhomogeneity, and the third resonance is affected sufficiently by the inhomogeneity laws and can be used to determine the type of monotonicity when solving inverse problems on reconstructing properties.