Ramsey theory constitutes the dynamics of mechanical systems, which may be described as abstract complete graphs. We address a mechanical system which is completely interconnected by two kinds of ideal Hookean springs. The suggested system mechanically corresponds to cyclic molecules, in which functional groups are interconnected by two kinds of chemical bonds, represented mechanically with two springs k1 and k2. In this paper, we consider a cyclic system (molecule) built of six equal masses m and two kinds of springs. We pose the following question: what is the minimal number of masses in such a system in which three masses are constrained to be connected cyclically with spring k1 or three masses are constrained to be connected cyclically with spring k2? The answer to this question is supplied by the Ramsey theory, formally stated as follows: what is the minimal number R(3,3)? The result emerging from the Ramsey theory is R(3,3)=6. Thus, in the aforementioned interconnected mechanical system at least one triangle, built of masses and springs, must be present. This prediction constitutes the vibrational spectrum of the system. Thus, the Ramsey theory and symmetry considerations supply the selection rules for the vibrational spectra of the cyclic molecules. A symmetrical system built of six vibrating entities is addressed. The Ramsey approach works for 2D and 3D molecules, which may be described as abstract complete graphs. The extension of the proposed Ramsey approach to the systems, partially connected by ideal springs, viscoelastic systems and systems in which elasticity is of an entropic nature is discussed. “Multi-color systems” built of three kinds of ideal springs are addressed. The notion of the inverse Ramsey network is introduced and analyzed.