Intelligent control of a prosthetic
hand is the core to realize
accurate grasping. The traditional sensors inside the hand or finger
can only give indirect information regarding the events occurring
at the interface of the finger tip and objects, which may cause misjudgment
in grasping. Herein, we design a capacitive sensor with the capability
of both proximity and force detection for the prosthetic hand (HIT-V).
The sensor is composed of a pair of ring-circle copper foils as electrodes,
in which is the dielectric layer with a pyramid microstructure. As
a result, the sensor can detect an object approaching from as far
as 100 mm and contact forces up to 12 N, which, respectively, denote
the finger operation space and maximum force load of the prosthetic
hand. Furthermore, the proposed sensor exhibited excellent stability,
mechanical flexibility, and deformability. Finally, capacitive sensors
are used for grasping control on the prosthetic hand, which exhibit
the abilities of stopping an approaching process and tracking a step
force. The abovementioned performance shows the sensor’s potential
ability to achieve complex control on prosthetic hands.