“…When argon- matrix samples with prominent negative ion and 1037cm-I absorptions are subjected to a brief period of mercury-arc irradiation, these absorptions are greatly diminished in intensity. The appearance of these absorptions under similar conditions is consistent with the hypothesis that the 1037-cm-1 absorption is contributed by a positively charged species which is responsible for maintaining over-all charge neutrality of the sample, The disappearance not only of the negatively charged species but also of the species which contributes the 1037-cm-1 absorption when the sample is subjected to mercury-arc irradiation could be understood by postulating photodetachment of the electron from the negatively charged species and electron capture by the positively charged species, As has already been noted, an appreciable concentration of CCIa is produced on 1216-A photolysis of chloroform in an inert, rigid matrix, and the energy available from the photolysis lamp is considerably in excess of the ionization potential of CCla, Thus, one might expect secondary photoproctisses to lead to the production of CCla+ in such experiments, The behavior of the 1037cm-I absorption in the isotopic substitution experiments is entirely consistent with the assignment of this absorption to CC/a+, The experiments on carbon-13 enriched samples have demonstrated that only a single carbon atom participates in the vibration of interest, and the absorption is completely insensitive to the substitution of deuterium in the chloroform molecule, suggesting that the product species may possess no hydrogen atoms, Furthermore, the two major peaks are in the 3: 1 relative intensity ratio expected either for the chlorine-isotopic contributions to the C-Cl stretching absorption of a molecule possessing a single chlorine atom or for the doubly degenerate C-Cl stretching fundamental of a molecule which possesses three symmetrically equivalent chlorine atoms, 19,20 The semieQlpirical molecular orbital treatment of Walsh 21 for ABa species possessing a threefold axis of symmetry predicts that CCla+, with 24 valence electrons, should be planar in its ground state. This prediction has been found to be consistent with the planar structure observed for a number of other 24-valenceelectron species, including BFa and BCla, Planarity of the molecule would also be consistent with the failure to observe any absorption attributable to the nondegenerate C-Cl stretching fundamental, VI, despite the considerable intensity of the degenerate C-Cl stretching fundamental, Va.…”