Allosteric modulation is involved in a plethora of diverse protein functions, which are fundamental for cells' life. this phenomenon can be thought as communication between two topographically distinct site of a protein structure. How this communication occurs is still matter of debate. Many different descriptions have been presented so far. Here we consider a specific case where any significant conformational change is involved upon allosteric modulator binding and the phenomenon is depicted as a vibrational energy diffusion process between distant protein regions. We applied this model, by employing computational tools, to the human muscarinic receptor M2, a transmembrane protein G-protein coupled receptor known to undergo allosteric modulation whose recently X-ray structure has been recently resolved both with and without the presence of a particular allosteric modulator. our calculations, performed on these two receptor structures, suggest that for this case the allosteric modulator modifies the energy current between functionally relevant regions of the protein; this allows to identify the main residues responsible for this modulation. these results contribute to shed light on the molecular basis of allosteric modulation and may help design new allosteric ligands. Allosteric modulation of proteins, discovered more than fifty years ago 1 , plays an important role for many processes, from signal transduction 2 to transcriptional regulations 3. This phenomenon regards any molecular event in which the binding of a ligand in a specific region of a protein (allosteric binding site) affects the stability of distant "primary" binding site (often referred as orthosteric binding site) 4,5. The term allosteric is coined for the first time by Monod, Wyman and Changeux within the WMC model 6. According to it, proteins can assume two different conformations, each of them exhibiting different binding affinity for the orthosteric ligand. The allosteric ligands can affect the thermodynamic stability of this conformations modifying, consequently, the orthosteric binding affinity. This model implies a protein conformational change mediating the interaction between the two distant sites. However, it has been shown that the allosteric binding site can affect the orthosteric binding also without involving any conformational rearrangement 7 , modifying, for instance, proteins vibrations around their thermodynamic stable conformations 7. These different types of allosteric modulation share a common and peculiar feature, namely the presence of a long-range communication between two different sites of a protein 8. Allosteric modulators can be distinguished on the basis of their contribution to the free energy of binding. In the case that such contribution is manly enthalpic, (Type I), it usually leads to a conformational change 9. In contrast, when entropic contribution is prevalent (Type II), molecular vibrations are