The energy contained in the highly excited vibrational and rotational states in a diatomic gas in a thermochemical nonequilibrium state during expansion is estimated. The population distribution of the vibrational and rotational states is assumed to be describable by a polynomial. The parameters in the polynomial are determined by invoking known physical constraints. The energy contained in the internal states in excess of that accounted for in the conventional method is calculated for N 2 , O 2 , NO, CO, and H 2 . The calculation is carried over a wide range of conditions, and the results are fitted with polynomials. The population distributions so determined agree with the theoretical and experimental results of others. A sample calculation made for a typical nozzle flow shows that the excess energy may reach 6% of the total enthalpy of the flow, and that the flow velocity may decrease by 3% due to this phenomenon.
NomenclatureA = cross-sectional area of nozzle a { = coefficients of expansion of p, Eq. (29) c -continuum state D = dissociation energy measured from the ground vibrational state, eV or cm" 1 E = combined vibrational-rotational energy (E v + £,.), eVor cm" 1 E(i) = energy level of state /, eV or cm" 1 E r = rotational energy per molecule, eV or cm" 1 E v = vibrational energy per molecule measured from the ground vibrational state, eV or cm" 1 £ v = excess vibrational-rotational energy per unit mass, J/kg, Eq. (3) g = rotational statistical weight, 2J + 1 H = enthalpy /, /' = indices representing an internal state J = rotational quantum number K(i, /') = rate coefficient for collisional transition from state / to state /', m 3 /s k = Boltzmann constant M = see Eq. (8) m = exponent in Eq. (29) n = exponent in Eq. (29), or number density, m~3 n E (i) = number density of state / in equilibrium, m~3 n(i) = number density of state /, m~3 n x = number density of colliding particles, m" 3 p = pressure, atm Q = partition function R = absolute radius in E v vs E r coordinate system, eV or cm" 1 , Eq. (10) r = normalized radius, Eq. (11) T = heavy particle translational temperature, K T r = rotational temperature defined by lowest two states, K T v = vibrational temperature defined by lowest two states, K / = time, s V -flow velocity, m/s v -vibrational quantum number v -average thermal speed, m/s a = kTID dT r = see Eq. (16) 8T V = see Eq. (13) E = vibrational-rotational energy, eV or cm" 1 6 = characteristic vibrational temperature (co e /k), K 0 -polar angle in E v vs E r coordinate system, rad, Eq. (12) p(i) = normalized nonequilibrium population for state «, Eq. (5) p M = normalized nonequilibrium molecular density, Eq. (38) p = fluid density, kg/m 3 cr = excitation cross section, m 2 o} e = first vibrational constant, eV co e x e = second vibrational constant, eV Subscripts A = atomic species A av = average energy B -atomic species B E = equilibrium M = molecule m = maximum value s = settling chamber 0 = origin in E v vs E r coordinate system Superscript