Following significant instrument upgrades and parallel methodological developments over the past decade, the TOSCA neutron spectrometer at the ISIS Pulsed Neutron & Muon Source in the United Kingdom has developed a rich and growing scientific community spanning a broad range of non-traditional areas of neutron science, including chemical catalysis, gas adsorption & storage, and new materials for energy and sustainability. High-pressure science, however, has seen little to no representation to date owing to previous limitations in capability. Herein, we explore for the first time the viability of rapid high-pressure measurements in the gigapascal regime, capitalizing from the orders-of-magnitude increase in incident flux afforded by a recent upgrade of the primary-beam path. In particular, we show that spectroscopic measurements up to pressures of ∼2 GPa over an unprecedented energy-transfer range are now possible within the hour timescale. In addition, we have designed and commissioned a dedicated set of high-pressure vessels, with a view to foster and support the further growth and development of an entirely new user community