Abstract-The NMR spectrum of acrolein and acroyl fluoride (CH,=CH-COX with X=H and F) oriented in a nematic phase has been measured and information about conformational equilibrium s-cis s-trans has been obtained. The barrier to internal rotation of the COX group has been studied with various hypotheses. Good agreement between experimental and calculated spectra has been obtained using the potential equation V(+) = &Vn(Icos n9)/2, with V, = -200 cal mol-l, V, = 1500 cal mol-l and V , -7 400 cal mo1-l for the fluorine compound, and VJ = 1200 cal mol I , Y2 = 3000 cal mol-l and V , = 2000 cal mol-J for acrolein; this last compound is found to be mostly in the s-trans conformation.Resume-Les spectres RMN de l'acroleine et du fluorure d'acroyle (CH,=CH-COX avec X = H et F) orient& dans une phase nematique ont tt6 interpret& et des informations sur l'equilibre conformationnel s-cis s-trans ont 6te obtenues. La barriere s'opposant a la libre rotation du groupement COX a Bt B Btudiee a I'aide de differentes hypoth6ses. Un bon accord a BtB obtenu entre Ies spectres experimentaux et les spectres calcules en utilisant une fonction potentiel V(+) = C,V,(1 -cos 4 ) / 2 avec Vl = -200 cal mol-l, V , = 1500 cal mol-J et V , = 400 cal mol-l pour le compose fluore; et Vl = 1200 cal mol-l, V, = 3000 cal mol-J et V , = 2000 cal mol-l pour l'acrolkine; ce dernier compose existe presque exclusivement sous la forme s-trans.