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Translent infrared emisslon spectroscopy (TIRES) is a newmethod that produces analytically useful emlsslon spectra from optlcally Ihlck, solid samples by greatly reducing selfabsorptlon of emitted radlatlon. The method reduces selfabsorption by creating a thln, short-llved, heated layer at the sample surface and coHectlng the transient emission from thls layer. The techdque requires no sample preparation and may be appiled to both moving and statlonary samples. The slngle-ended, noncontact TIRES measurement geometry is Ideal for on-llne and other remote-senslng applications. TIRES spectra acquired via a Fourler transform infrared spectrometer on movlng samples of coal, plastic, and palnt are presented and compared to photoacoustlc absorptlon spectra of these materlals. The TIRES and photoacoustk results are In close agreement as predlcted by Klrchhoff's law.