The cycloaddition of benzonitrile with Si͑111͒-7ϫ7 has been investigated as a model system for understanding the interaction of conjugated -electron systems with Si͑111͒-7ϫ7 using high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ͑XPS͒, ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy, scanningtunneling microscopy ͑STM͒, and density-functional-theory calculation ͑perturbative Beck-Perdew functional in conjugation with a basis set of DN**͒. Vibrational features of chemisorbed benzonitrile unambiguously demonstrate that the cyano group directly interacts with Si surface dangling bonds, evidenced in the disappearance of CwN stretching mode around 2256 cm Ϫ1 coupled with the appearance of CvN stretching mode at 1623 cm Ϫ1 and the retention of all vibrational signatures of phenyl ring. XPS shows that both C 1s and N 1s core levels of the cyano groups display large down-shifts by 2.5 and 1.5 eV, respectively, after chemisorption. A smaller down-shift of ϳ0.8 eV is observed for the C 1s core level of phenyl group due to the weaker inductive effect of the formed CvN groups in chemisorbed benzonitrile than that of CwN groups in physisorbed molecules. Compared with physisorbed molecules, the photoemission from CN orbitals of chemisorbed benzonitrile is significantly reduced, suggesting the direct involvement of CN in the surface binding. These experimental results show that the covalent attachment of benzonitrile on Si͑111͒-7ϫ7 occurs in a selective manner through the ͑2ϩ2͒ cycloaddition between the cyano group and the adjacent adatom-rest atom pair. The cycloadduct formed contains an intact phenyl ring protruding into vacuum, retaining aromaticity. This functionalized Si surface may serve as a substrate for further modification or act as an intermediate for fabrication of multilayer organic thin films or materials syntheses in vacuum.