A low diffusion particle method for simulating compressible low Knudsen number gas flows is modified for application to flows involving nonequilibrium distributions in rotational and vibrational energy modes. This method is closely based on the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method, and has been developed for use in a strongly coupled hybrid scheme with DSMC. In simulations employing this hybrid scheme, the proposed modifications allow greater consistency with DSMC and reduced information loss along continuum breakdown boundaries when significant internal energy nonequilibrium effects exist within continuum flow regions. Two different approaches for rotational and vibrational nonequilibrium are proposed; the first provides greater efficiency and reduced sensitivity to time step size, while the second utilizes standard DSMC energy exchange procedures and should be easier to implement in an existing DSMC code. Both approaches are evaluated through comparison with DSMC for a set of homogeneous relaxation problems, and capabilities of the hybrid scheme are demonstrated in simulations of a hypersonic flow over a cylinder. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.2 CFD regions, and each calculation is allowed to relax somewhat toward steady state before boundary conditions associated with the other calculation are updated. 2-5 Strongly coupled hybrid approaches involve more frequent updates to these boundary conditions, and can allow for unsteady flow simulation while avoiding potential errors due to fluctuations in quantities transported across continuum breakdown boundaries. [6][7][8][9] In recent years, a variety of hybrid CFD-DSMC schemes have been developed and applied to a range of test cases. Most of these test cases involve relatively simple flow configurations, and have been used primarily for assessment of simulation accuracy and efficiency. While CFD-DSMC hybrid schemes should also allow for accurate simulation of more complex flows for which other simulation techniques are either inaccurate or prohibitively expensive, to date these schemes have been utilized very little as engineering design and analysis tools. One reason for this may be the inherent complexity of such schemes; integration of DSMC and CFD codes tends to require extensive development timeeven if the developer has access to two pre-existing codesand coupling procedures are generally complex and difficult to implement in parallel.In an effort to develop simpler alternative DSMC-based techniques for coupled simulation of flows involving both high and low Kn regions, a number of authors have proposed modifications to DSMC for application to low Kn regimes. [10][11][12][13][14][15] The proposed DSMC-based particle methods can be categorized as either collision limiters or as direct resampling techniques. The first type of method involves a specified upper limit on the number of collisions per particle or per cell during each time step, 10,11 while in the second type of method either all or some fraction of particle velocities are...