WHAT'S KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: Isolated case reports of abnormal voice after extremely preterm birth are well described; however, there are no systematic studies of long-term voice outcomes in children born preterm.WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: Significant voice abnormalities were found in more than half of tested children born before 25 weeks' gestation. Multivariable analyses showed that the number of intubations, not the duration of intubation, and female gender were strongly associated with this adverse outcome. abstract BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Voice abnormality is a frequent finding in school age children born at ,25 weeks' gestation in Western Australia. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of voice abnormality, voice-related quality of life, and demographic and intubation factors in this population.
METHODS:Survivors ,25 weeks' gestational age in Western Australia born from 1996 to 2004 were included. Voice assessments (auditory perceptual assessment scale and Pediatric Voice Handicap Index) were carried out by speech pathologists. Intubation history was obtained by retrospective chart review.
RESULTS:Of 251 NICU admissions, 154 (61%) survived. Exclusions were based on severe disability (11) or distant residence (13). Of 70 assessed, 67 completed assessments, 4 (6%) were in the normal range and 39 (58%) showed moderate-severe hoarseness. Simultaneous modeling of demographic and intubation characteristics showed an increased odds of moderate-severe voice disorder for children who had more than 5 intubations (odds ratio 6.96, 95% confidence interval 2.07-23.40, P = .002) and for girls relative to boys (odds ratio 3.46, 95% confidence interval 1.12-10.62, P = .030). Tube size and duration of intubation were not significant in the multivariable model. Median scores of parent-reported voice quality of life on the Pediatric Voice Handicap Index were markedly different for preterm (22) and term (3) groups, P , .001.
CONCLUSIONS:Voice disorders in this population were much more frequent than expected. Further studies are required to assess voice across a broader range of gestational ages, and to investigate voiceprotective strategies in infants requiring multiple episodes of intubation. Pediatrics 2013;131:e733-e739 AUTHORS: