Vd. 18No. 4 (=MNEsE JOURNAL OF CHiMbTRY Off-diagonal long-range order of the wave function in terms of the alternate molecular bonding geminals Recently, Chiu proposed a quantum structural apwhere In&. (2), 1 and2ontheleftsidestandforthespinand x2 for their orbital CoordinatCB , arxlaandpforspin up and spin down, respectively. The vibmtional pseude anghmwnentumAcantakethevaluesd0, * I , -. -. Obital of h t and md @c1ee9 ' 1 * (z N -N (for even N). In of in Q. ( l ) , thevibdcgeminalisgivmby where xo and x1 represent respectively zero and one vimovement), similar to the linear combination of bonding brationalquantumnumberoftheeigenfunctions, andthe ge?ninalsinQ. (1). Bymaasofthevibronicgeminal vibrational mode Qh is taken to be the linear combinathe campletely antisymmetrized wave function of M election of qn,,,+1 = !,,+It,, (5. is the locaI atom n ' s tmn/hole paim is written as Rojcci (No. 29892168) suppod by the National Natural Science F d m d China.alternate MBGS #&4 and &4 (with A = N/4 for N = 4 " unib, N' is integer), which, generalized from ~ a n d A , c a n b e w r i t t e n a s
Vol. 18 No. 4 2OOOChinese Jaumal of Chemistry