A review of the studies related to the perpetrators of child abuse revealed that each minimal unit of human being has the potential to perpetrate. Based on this, the present study aimed to comprehend the factors of vulnerability among the perpetrators of the child abuse. The study followed a method of investigating through the reviews of articles and research papers, on the issues of child abuse and perpetrations, published between 1994 and 2015, open source. The identified factors of vulnerability included age, family climate, personality, victim-to-victimizer cycle and opponent process hypothesis. However, identification of the factors shall not mislead anybody to consider the potential to be vulnerable or to be good as dichotomous, because it is multidimensional. Notably, the vulnerable individuals are a risk to the society, for it may generate a victim at any instant. There is a gap in the current literature regarding the methods that could be introduced to reduce the vulnerability to perpetrate. To fill this gap, first thing that has to be done is to have a shift in focus. Current literature is giving more focus on strengthening the potential victims. Instead, methods to intensify the value strengths of the perpetrators are to be focused here after. A model that may become the base of such an approach is designed and presented on the basis of Values in Action classification.