In the late 1980s, Sam Edwards proposed a possible statisticalmechanical framework to describe the properties of disordered granular materials 1 . A key assumption underlying the theory was that all jammed packings are equally likely. In the intervening years it has never been possible to test this bold hypothesis directly. Here we present simulations that provide direct evidence that at the unjamming point, all packings of soft repulsive particles are equally likely, even though generically, jammed packings are not. Typically, jammed granular systems are observed precisely at the unjamming point since grains are not very compressible. Our results therefore support Edwards' original conjecture. We also present evidence that at unjamming the configurational entropy of the system is maximal.In science, most breakthroughs cannot be derived from known physical laws: they are based on inspired conjectures 2 . Comparison with experiment of the predictions based on such a hypothesis allows us to eliminate conjectures that are clearly wrong. However, there is a distinction between testing the consequences of a conjecture and testing the conjecture itself. A case in point is Edwards' theory of granular media. In the late 1980s, Edwards and Oakeshott 1 proposed that many of the physical properties of granular materials ('powders') could be predicted using a theoretical framework that was based on the assumption that all distinct packings of such a material are equally likely to be observed. The logarithm of the number of such packings was postulated to play the same role as entropy does in Gibbs' statistical-mechanical description of the thermodynamic properties of equilibrium systems. However, statistical-mechanical entropy and granular entropy are very different objects. Until now, the validity of Edwards' hypothesis could not be tested directlymainly because the number of packings involved is so large that direct enumeration is utterly infeasible-and, as a consequence, the debate about the Edwards hypothesis has focused on its consequences, rather than on its assumptions. Here we present results that show that now, at last, it is possible to test Edwards' hypothesis directly by numerical simulation. To our own surprise, we find that the hypothesis appears to be correct precisely at the point where a powder is just at the (un)jamming threshold. However, at higher densities, the hypothesis fails. At the unjamming transition, the configurational entropy of jammed states appears to be at a maximum.The concept of 'ensembles' plays a key role in equilibrium statistical mechanics, as developed by J. Willard Gibbs, well over a century ago 3 . The crucial assumption that Gibbs made to arrive at a tractable theoretical framework to describe the equilibrium properties of gases, liquid and solids was that, at a fixed total energy, every state of the system is equally likely to be observed. The distinction between, say, a liquid at thermal equilibrium and a granular material is that in a liquid, atoms undergo thermal motion whereas...