Pleurodesis aims to achieve a symphysis between parietal and visceral pleural surfaces, in order to prevent accumulation of fluid or air in the pleural space. Its major indications are malignant effusions and pneumothorax, and a reexpandable lung is essential for the success of the technique. Moreover, expectation of a reasonably long survival is important before attempting pleurodesis.A successful lung re-expansion is unlikely if the pleural pressure falls more than 20 cmH 2 O·L -1 of fluid removed, because there is a central bronchial obstruction or the lung is trapped by tumour and/or fibrin. Pleural fluid pH (<7.20) is a good indicator of the presence of trapped lung; moreover, a successful pleurodesis is less likely when pH is low, and this parameter is also a good predictor for survival of the patients.Among the many sclerosing agents that have been used for pleurodesis, talc has achieved the best results, with an average success rate of approximately 90%. The cellular and biochemical mechanisms involved in pleurodesis may be specific to the agent used, however, they may all follow a common final pathway leading to activation of the pleural coagulation cascade, the appearance of fibrin networks, and the proliferation of fibroblasts. The details of these mechanisms are still unclear and need to be further elaborated. Eur Respir J 1997; 10: 1648-1654 The aim of pleurodesis is to achieve a symphysis between visceral and parietal pleural layers, in order to prevent accumulation of either air or fluid in the pleural space. Its main indications are malignant pleural effusions and pneumothorax. The choice of the right technique, sclerosing agent to be applied, criteria for selection of patients and evaluation of results are important and controversial issues. Furthermore, there is little information about the mechanisms that lead to pleural symphysis or the factors that influence the outcome of pleurodesis.
Pleurodesis in malignant effusionsRecurrent effusions of malignant origin are by far the most common indication for pleurodesis in clinical practice. This is because there is a lack of effective antitumoral treatment at later stages of the disease, and because palliative measures are necessary to improve symptoms related to the pleural effusion. Repeated thoracenteses are not usually suitable, since they may be troublesome to the patient and provoke important protein loss (about 40 g·L -1 of pleural fluid that is withdrawn), with infection of the pleural space as an added risk.