SUMMARYAccording to the MPEG-1/2 standard, full motion video can be compressed and stored in an information warehouse. Multiplexing with normal voice calls, it is retrieved and delivered to the customer's local BISDN central o$ce via 155 Mb/s trunks. These voice calls have higher priority than video-on-demand (VOD) so that normal voice services will not be in#uenced by VOD transmission. The number of voice calls always #uctuates in real-time. Thus, an e$cient tra$c control scheme is highly desired to guarantee a given level of performance and achieve as great as possible use of available bandwidth. Based on the fact that the number of real-time voice calls is variable, and the use of available capacity is less than 100 per cent, this paper will present an e$cient tra$c control scheme for store-and-forward VOD services, and demonstrate the scheme by various simulation results.