Moreira, Gustavo Costa Gomes; Feijó, Bruno (Advisor). A method for real-time Object Detection in HD videos. Rio de Janeiro, 2014. 85p. DSc. Thesis -Departamento de Informática, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro.The detection and subsequent tracking of objects in video sequences is a challenge in terms of video processing in real time. In this thesis we propose an detection method suitable for processing high-definition video in real-time. In this method we use a segmentation procedure through integral image of the foreground, which allows a very quick disposal of various parts of the image in each frame, thus achieving a high rate of processed frames per second. Further we extend the proposed method to be able to detect multiple objects in parallel.Furthermore, by using a GPU and techniques that can have its performance enhanced through parallelism, as the operator prefix sum, we can achieve an even better performance of the algorithm, both for the detection of the object, as in the training stage of new classes of objects.