Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controllers (T2 FLCs) have been recently applied in many engineering areas. While understanding the control potentials of T2 FLCs can still be considered an open question researchers, commonly claim superiority of T2 FLCs based on a limited exploration of the space of design parameters. The contribution of this work is based on a problem-driven design of uncertainty-robust Interval T2 (IT2) FLCs. The presented methodology starts with a baseline optimized T1 FLC. Next, a group of IT2 FLCs is designed using partially dependent approach by symmetrically blurring the membership functions around the original T1 fuzzy sets. This constrained design space allows for its systematic exploration and analysis. The performance of the designed controllers was evaluated on delta parallel robot hardware under two kinds of commonly encountered uncertainties: i) sensory noise and ii) uncertain system parameters. The experimental results showed that IT2 FLCs provide improved control performance against T1 FLCs when appropriate design of IT2 fuzzy sets is performed. In addition, it was demonstrated that excessive amount of "type-2 fuzziness" in the IT2 FLC design leads to rapid performance degradation.Index Terms-Delta parallel robot, interval type-2 fuzzy logic control (T2 FLC), robustness, uncertainty handling.