The latest research shows the importance of early care in children who have difficulties in oral language, this condition has consequences, their socio-emotional development is also affected. of them, causing a negative impact on their relationship with society. The objective is to determine the causes that generate disorders in the use of oral language in patients 4 to 7 years of the Chone Type ¨C¨ Health Center. A sample of 25 patients was taken, 18 boys and 7 girls, who attend this medical unit in search of treatment for their language problem, different factors were analyzed, from the mother's gestation phase, neonatal stage and early childhood correlating them with the development of cognitive ability according to their age. The research has a qualitative approach, in addition the inductive and descriptive method was used. The applied technique was a test that contains a series of oral questions, visual and playful activities to verify the skills and abilities that the patient possesses, according to the evolutionary stage. It was found that children with language disorders also experience social, emotional and interaction problems with other people.