Despite the available multimedia platforms, mother-tongue-based multilingual education teachers in Ilocos province suffer in implementing the subject because of the lack of published books, the abundance of books with culturally erroneous content, and the amusing number of subjects they teach. Although they are encouraged to design an integrated curriculum, it requires having valid resources and a model or framework for designing and helping them teach all these subjects. Interestingly, various studies present that music integration can build a bridge to all of these subjects. By mapping the sourced musical resources to the curriculum of Grade 1, this study sought to produce a model of a validated music-integrated handbook through Research and Development (R&D) design and Delphi method with 22 experts. These methods were used to (a) determine the curriculum standards in Grade 1, (b) find Ilocano songs that fit the standards, (c) analyze the criteria in selecting the standards-based musical resources, (d) test the criteria, and (e) validate the handbook with 3 experts. In the process, a map of musical resources embedded in grade 1 integrated curriculum was produced which can guide teachers in the setting to see how all of their subjects are interrelated and interconnected which can also be adapted by other languages, not only in the Philippines, but also to other countries, promote music integrated education, and help strengthen localization. Further work is needed to test both the developed criteria in music integration and the implication of the handbook on the students in the region.