“… Malla and Alphonse ( 2021 ) | Twitter tweet analysis for the disease information collection | COVID-19 labeled English dataset from Twitter | Majority voting based ensemble deep learning model | RoBERT, BERTweet, CT-BERT | RoBERT achieves an accuracy of 90.30% | 38. | Phat and Anh ( 2020 ) | Vietnamese text classification | Vietnamese news articles | LSTM, CNN, SVM, NB | Word2Vec | LSTM + Word2Vec achieves an F1-score of 95.74% |
39. | Grzeça et al ( 2020 ) | Social networking site tweets analysis for identification of alcohol-related tweets | Datasets DS1-Q1, Q2, Q3 | SVM, XGBoost, CNN, BiLSTM | DSWE(Drink2Vec), BERT | CNN + Drink2Vec achieves an F1-score of 94.45% |
SANAD Single-label Arabic news articles datasets, NADiA News articles datasets in Arabic with multi-labels, HAN Hierarchical attention network, HDBSCAN Hierarchical Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise, LDA Logistic regression, linear discriminant analysis, QDA Quadratic discriminant analysis, NB Naïve Bayes, SVM Support vector machine, KNN k-nearest neighbor, DT Decision tree, RF Random forest, XGBoost MLP Multilayer perceptron, LIWC Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count features, NER Named entity recognition, PMMC Process model matching contest dataset, DLMF Digital Library of Mathematical Functions, GB Gradient Boosting, SGC Stochastic Gradient Descent, HAN Hierarchical attention network, DFFNN Deep feed-forward neural network.…”