Reimbursement programmes are used to manage care through financial incentives. However, their effects are mixed and the programmes can motivate behaviour that goes against professional values. Value-based reimbursement programmes may better align professional values with financial incentives. The aim of this study is to analyse if and how healthcare providers adapt their practices to a value-based reimbursement programme that combines bundled payment with performance-based payment.Forty-one semi-structured interviews were conducted with representatives from healthcare providers within spine surgery in Sweden. Data were analysed using thematic analysis with an abductive approach and a conceptual framework based on neo-institutional theory. Healthcare providers were positive to the idea of a value-based reimbursement programme. However, during its introduction it became evident that some aspects were easier to adapt to than others. The bundled payment provided a more comprehensive picture of the patients' needs but to an increased administrative burden. Due to the financial impact of the bundled payment, healthcare providers tried to decrease the amount of post-discharge care. The performance-based payment was appreciated. However, the lack of financial impact and transparency in how the payment was