It is generally accepted that all quantities of electromagnetic origin are either relativistic scalars or components of relativistic four-vectors and tensors. This opinion is based on the Lorentz invariance of the Maxwell equations and this opinion is so commonly established that no one tries to verify this symmetry of electromagnetic fields. The idea that any EM field is covariant and, therefore, its components are changed in accordance with the Lorentz transformations in a new inertial reference frame, is used in studying some electrodynamical systems. One such application of this concept is to apply the Lorentz transformation of the EM field created by a uniformly accelerated charge to show that this charge does not radiate.
However, am analysis of the EM fields created by this charge and calculated in two inertial frames shows that the required Lorentz covariance of these fields is absent.
The explanation of violation of such a Lorentz covariance is given in this work.