With the recent rise in violent crime, the real-time situation analysis capabilities of the prevalent closed-circuit television have been employed for the deterrence and resolution of criminal activities. Anomaly detection can identify abnormal instances such as violence within the patterns of a specified dataset; however, it faces challenges in that the dataset for abnormal situations is smaller than that for normal situations. Herein, using datasets such as UBI-Fights, RWF-2000, and UCSD Ped1 and Ped2, anomaly detection was approached as a binary classification problem. Frames extracted from each video with annotation were reconstructed into a limited number of images of 3×3, 4×3, 4×4, 5×3 sizes using the method proposed in this paper, forming an input data structure similar to a light field and patch of vision transformer. The model was constructed by applying a convolutional block attention module that included channel and spatial attention modules to a residual neural network with depths of 10, 18, 34, and 50 in the form of a three-dimensional convolution. The proposed model performed better than existing models in detecting abnormal behavior such as violent acts in videos. For instance, with the undersampled UBI-Fights dataset, our network achieved an accuracy of 0.9933, a loss value of 0.0010, an area under the curve of 0.9973, and an equal error rate of 0.0027. These results may contribute significantly to solve real-world issues such as the detection of violent behavior in artificial intelligence systems using computer vision and real-time video monitoring.