Tetramethylsilane was decomposed in the microwave discharge flow of Ar to produce emission spectra of the CH(A 2 X 2 ) and Si(4s3p) transitions. The mechanisms of the production of the excited states were studied by the combined analysis of the laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy of the 3 P 0 metastable state of Ar and electrostatic-probe measurements. The pressure of Ar was varied in the range of 0.2-0.4 Torr; the density of Ar( 3 P 0 ), n M , and the density, n e , and temperature, T e , of free electrons were varied. By comparing the Ar-pressure dependencies of the emission intensities, n M , n e , and T e with the support of a kinetic analysis, the production processes of CH(A 2 ) and Si(4s) states were found predominantly to be the energy transfer from the metastable state of Ar atoms.