Systemic viral diseases frequently occur in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, but data in children receiving chemotherapy for acute leukemia are scarce. We therefore collected and analyzed the published data on symptomatic infection from cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, varicella zoster virus, parvovirus B19, or adenovirus in pediatric acute leukemia. Reports on 68 children were identified, of whom 16 patients have died from the infection. Further studies have to (1) evaluate the true incidence of these infections in pediatric acute leukemia, (2) their impact on outcome, and (3) whether a subpopulation of patients could benefit from screening and prophylactic strategies. K E Y W O R D S acute leukemia, adenovirus, child, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, parvovirus B19, systemic viral disease, varicella zoster virus We performed a MEDLINE (including MEDLINE In Process) search to identify relevant English-language articles indexed from January 1, 2000, up to December 31, 2019. The search included a combination of indexed terms and free text terms (child OR adolescent OR pediatr*); (cancer OR malignancy OR leukemia); (parvovirus OR b19)/(adenovirus)/(varicella or VZV)/(cytomegalovirus or CMV)/(herpes simplex virus or HSV). The hits were screened manually by two of the authors (CBG and TL). Only case reports and case series about systemic infections or studies on the prevalence of viremia with CMV, HSV, VZV, PVB19, and ADV, respectively, occurring in children