We study the resonance contributions for the kaon pair originating from the intermediate states ρ (770, 1450, 1700) and ω(782, 1420, 1650) for the three-body hadronic decays B → K Kh in the perturbative QCD approach, with h = (π, K). The branching fractions of the virtual contributions for K K from the Breit-Wigner formula tails of ρ(770) and ω(782) which have been ignored in experimental and theoretical studies in these decays are found larger than the corresponding contributions from the resonances ρ(1450, 1700) and ω(1420, 1650). The differential branching fractions for B → ρ(770)h → K Kh and B → ω(782)h → K Kh are nearly unaffected by the quite different values of the full widths for ρ(770) and ω(782). The predicted results for the branching fractions of the quasi-two-body decays B + → π + ρ(1450) 0 → π + K + K − and B + → π + ρ(1450) 0 → π + π + π − in this work meet the requirement of SU (3) symmetry relation. We estimate the branching fractions for the decays ρ(1450) 0 → K + K − and ρ(1700) 0 → K + K − to be about 1.6% and 2.0%, respectively.