“…The large inflection located in the first third of the hemisphere is here interpreted as a widely open sylvian fossa (figure 1b). As described for Ignacius and Microsyops [9]), (e) P. tricuspidens and (f ) Tetonius homunculus (after [16]). bsps, basisphenoid paratympanic sinus; cev, capsuloparietal emissary vein canal; cf, circular fissure; fp, fissura prima; ls, lateral sulcus; ob, olfactory bulb; on, optic nerve; ot, orbitotemporal canal; ov, ophthalmic vein; pf, paraflocculus; pgv, postglenoid vein canal; ps, presylvia; pss, presphenoid sinus; rf, rhinal fissure; sf, sylvian fossa; sov, suboptic vein canal; vm, vermis.…”